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Dr. Xavier Logix
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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A Male Rhinoplasty Case with a Deviated Septum

Procedure Details


Patient Feedback

“What began as a consultation to help fix my nasal passages for better breathing, resulted in a nose that not only feels better but provided me with a new natural shape and look.  I feel transformed because of this surgery, which allows me to feel more confident and happy.  This experience changed my life for the better.

Before meeting with Dr. Yaker and his staff, I was told about how he is known to be the surgeon with the “Healing Hands.” I couldn’t express any more over how much this man has transformed my life with the procedure of rhinoplasty. Originally I was consulting to help fix my nasal passages for better breathing, but with the new natural shape and look of my nose I just feel like a whole new person. As a matter of fact, I feel transformed into a better, confident, and happy individual. I couldn’t convey my gratitude to the hospitality, love, and care I received from Dr. Yaker and his staff. I have no regrets from the decision I have made that changed my life for the better.

Thank you so much Dr. Yaker & Staff, you all are a prime example of TLC!



Rehoboth Surgery Center

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